Our inaugural issue of Turas Publishing TIDBITS has been delivered to subscribers to our site. The first issue features our newest author, Gayle Parish, explaining about her love of reading and the beginning of her writing career. Another article is about our first author and founder, Theresa Marie Flaherty. Her book, The Final Test – A Biography of James Ball Naylor, was released ten years ago. Since then Turas Publishing has added several other authors and now has 12 titles, with 2 more in the hopper.
Our September issue will feature Author Lorna J. Whisler, author of The Heptner Sisters – Wyoming Schoolteachers, who has a second book in line for release in a few months. More information about Gayle’s debut novel, To Keep Him Safe, and Lorna’s upcoming book, Rozet, Campbell County, Wyoming and its Homestead Families (1880 – 1949), will also be included. Subscribe now if you haven’t already.

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